Professional Personalised Online Nutritional Therapy Services For Gut Health, Microbiome & Related Conditions

Many long-term conditions and unexplained poor health are often linked to poor digestive health.

If you have a digestive disorder, changing what you eat and drink and correcting any nutrient deficiencies could help you manage your symptoms more effectively and improve your overall health and digestive symptoms.

New research is being published every year showing the link between food, nutrition and gut health, microbiome as well as the rest of our body, including

  • brain,

  • memory

  • mood

  • immune function

  • skin

  • hormones

  • energy and more.

Want to learn more about how to improve your gut health?
Download my FREE eBook "Fix Your Digestion Naturally"

How Nutritional Therapy Can Help You

Do you want your life back without painful, life changing and uncomfortable symptoms?

If you have seen numerous health professionals and are still not getting anywhere it can disheartening and frustrating.

Over the past 15 years I have helped hundreds of clients with digestive disorders, including IBS, ulcerative colitis, food intolerances, unexplained constipation and diarrhoea, to get their lives back on track.

They become free from pain and constant worry about what they can or cannot eat, whether or not they will be in pain and worried about ever having a normal bowel movement again.

 Imagine feeling more energised, sleeping better and not worrying about painful symptoms every time you sat down to eat

If you are looking to work with an expert who can help you figure out the best foods for you and help you improve your overall health without the guesswork or faddy diets you are in the right place.

Book your complimentary call to discuss your digestive issue and how I can help get your life back on track.

Making lasting changes to your gut health takes time

For this reason I recommend Nutritional Therapy packages, rather than one-off sessions, to ensure you get the beneficial outcomes you seek. However, I also offer individual appointments if this is what you would prefer to do.

We will work together to create simple, manageable changes without being restrictive.

With motivation, check-ins and ongoing support to achieve your goals.

I will meet you where you are right now and encourage you to move forward one step at a time.


Embark on your health journey with the

Signature Health Package

Over 3-6 months, experience personalised diet and nutrition coaching tailored to your needs, with ongoing support and coaching.

Let’s work together, one step at a time, for your health and well-being.

Discover more about how we can achieve your goals together.


Continue your health journey with our

Follow Up Health Package

Ongoing personalised support and nutrition coaching.

Together, we’ll refine your health strategies, work on your achievements, and explore new pathways to sustain and enhance your well-being.

Embrace this next step in your health evolution with me.

Hello, I’m Melody MacKeown…

Registered Nutritional Therapist & Founder of Food4Life Coach

Professional Qualifications & Experience

  • Masters Degree (MSc) in Nutrition (CNELM, Middlesex University,
  • Qualified NLP (neuro linguistic programming) practitioner and Health Coach
  • Degree in Psychology from Bristol University (BSc Hons Psychology).
  • Dr Jason Hawrelak’s Advanced Microbiome Training
  • Certified Microbiome Restoration Analyst

I’ve also worked in collaboration with Lucille Leader and Dr Geoffrey Leader supporting individuals with Parkinson’s disease and at the award winning London Clinic of Nutrition, supporting clients across a range of autoimmune, digestive, hormonal and neurological conditions.

“I no longer have nausea or vomiting. I don’t think I would have been able to go back to work without Melody’s help”

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